Membership Details

Membership Application – Membership in CCPA is available to paralegals, students, and others through a variety of options. CCPA adheres to the requirements of the California Alliance of Paralegal Associations and Business and Professions Code section 6450, et seq. Send completed application with appropriate documentation and dues to CCPA, P.O. Box 93 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406.
Member Meetings
General membership meetings are held the first Wednesday, every other month, in various locations around San Luis Obispo with guest speakers on a variety of topics of interest to the members.
Member Benefits
- CCPA members receive discounts on educational programs; scholarships are available for qualifying students enrolled in a paralegal program and for members wishing to attend an MCLE program
- Members receive the NewsBrief, the bi-monthly newsletter containing articles of interest to paralegals
- Employment referral services are available to employers and those seeking employment
Categories of Membership
Voting members are paralegals who meet the requirements of Business & Professions Code section 6450, et seq. and certify that their work is reviewed and approved by a licensed attorney. Annual dues are $65.
Associate members are members who are not students and do not meet the requirements of a voting member. Associate members do not have voting status. Annual dues are $55.
Student members must certify that they are enrolled in a paralegal training program that meets the requirements of Business & Professions Code section 6450(c)(1) or (2). Student members do not have voting status. Annual dues are $25.
Sustaining members are any persons, law firms, businesses, associations, institutions, or other entities interested in supporting the goals of CCPA. Sustaining members receive benefits, such as an advertisement within the CCPA website and NewsBrief, and the opportunity to make a presentation once a year at a membership meeting. Sustaining members do not have voting status. Annual dues are $130 for a sustaining membership. Sustaining membership application form.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are CCPA’s goals and purposes?
- To promote and advance the paralegal profession on the Central Coast.
- To provide a forum for the continuing education of the membership.
- To encourage awareness of, and participation in, law-related seminars, surveys, studies, and other educational offerings.
- To monitor the curriculum of local paralegal certification programs and cooperate with college personnel in promoting the paralegal profession.
- To provide colleagues with a network through which to share expertise and provide personal support and recognition.
- To educate attorneys regarding the value, expertise, and cost-efficient use of paralegals.
- To support community programs of an educational or charitable nature, consistent with CCPA’s goals.
Q: I am a member. What can I do to participate?
- Agree to be nominated for a position on the Board of Directors or offer to serve on one of the following committees:
- Membership
- NewsBrief
- Programs
- Website
Q: How do I join CCPA?
- Complete a Membership Application and return it with the appropriate documentation and fees to CCPA, P.O. Box 93 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406.
Updated 11/22/2024